Monday, September 27, 2010


Hey, sorry been a while, just havent been up to posting a blog update. So I am now the proud and lucky owner of a Diana Lens that fits onto my DSLR YAY!
Not my camera but what it looks like with the cute as lil plastic lens attached to it. I love it and cannot wait till weather is better to get out and shoot with it. Currently its been too crapy to do anything with so I havent been anywhere. Here are the few photos I have taken with it so far:

These were taken on the day I got the lens so I am still figuring it all out. I havent had a chance to get out and take more since becuase the weather hasnt really been good. Its been getting better so cant wait to head out and get a whole bunch of photos. I wish I had the actual Diana camera but this will be great for my travels, having a lens that can just fit in my camera bag.

I have been distracting myself lately with helping my cousin Shelley plan for her Circus themed birthday party with her hubby/wedding anniversary combined. I brought some vintage popcorn boxes off trademe:
Neat huh? And I have brought some sticks and made moustaches so that we can have moustaches on sticks for photos:
 Pretty much will be this but with other shapes
I have most of the shapes from above
Here is what we are going to do hee hee hee FUN!

Funny thing is while I have printed all these out and glued the moustaches to card, while waiting to buy the glue to put them onto the sticks my cousins wife Tia announced her obsession with staches on her blog. Hee hee I will def show her photos of what we do at the party. Will show photos and so on once the party has actually happened. Its not due till November.

On my whole photography thing I need to get myself a UV Filter for both my lenses. Main reason behind that is it protects my lenses. So if anything gets scratched or cracked its normally the UV Filter first.
A few months back I discovered photos of a wedding done in what they call Infrared photography: here check out some pics for it, its pretty amazing:

Pretty unreal huh?

Anyways just a quick update, Im ready for bed. At least day light savings has begun and the weather is finally warming up. I cant be bothered with Eye Candy sorry

Enjoy x

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